Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Angels All Around Us

My second book to review is titled "God Gave Us Angels" by Lisa Tawn Bergren.  When I was first looking through the Blogging for books website I didn't quite know what I wanted to get.  Then I saw this book.  My daughter and I had recently been discussing Angels and I couldn't answer all her questions. I was a little skeptical about what this book might teach, but it is right on the nose lined up with the BIBLE.   She absolutely adores the book.  We love to read and when I gave her this book you would have thought I just took her to Toys R Us.  The rest of the review will be in her perspective since it is a child's book. However, parents, if you are looking for a book to give your child that will explain Angels in words you just can't come up with, this is your #1 book to get! We can't wait to get the other books in this series.

Jordan's (My 6 yr old daughter) Review: I think Angels are important because they protect us and keep our home safe.  And they mean so much to us.  That is what I learned from the book.  I loved the book! I want to get more!

Talk to you later- AJ & Jordan

Author Bio: Lisa T. Bergren is the author of over forty books, with nearly two million copies sold. Her work includes children’s books, historical and contemporary fiction, women’s nonfiction, and gift books. A freelance writer and editor, Lisa lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She and her husband, Tim, are the parents of three children. - See more at: http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/author-spotlight.php?authorid=2093#sthash.sOPW2ZTi.dpuf

 "I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

When Mercy Rains Book Review

So I got the book When Mercy Rains by Kim Vogel Sawyer.  I love reading about Amish and Mennonite groups, fiction or non-fiction.  This book in particular is great.  I cannot wait until Spring 2015 when the next book comes out.  The mother (Suzanne) and daughter are the main characters in the book.  It follows her from present to her past and then she returns home to face her past at the urging of her brother.  The only person that knows the whole truth besides Suzanne is her own Mother.  When she returns home she faces her whole family discovering her secrets.  Through it all will she find redemption and freedom of letting her secrets go?  Will she find peace from God?  I am not telling... you will need to read the book to find out!  And it is so worth it!

"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."

Monday, October 13, 2014

WHEW! 'Round the Mountain for a free book!

Hey out there! So ran across the website reneek-littlehomeschoolontheprairie.com today while doing research for my own homeschooling ventures.  As I have perused her web-site tonight, I noticed that she posted a review on a book similar to what I like to read.  It was a fictional Amish based book.  All the books are similar in the liking that it shows no matter your background or ethnicity or locale, everyone faces troubling times.  God still moves, He still arrives right on time to bring us to victory. However, I saw she posted that she received the book for free in response for a review.  I'M HOOKED! I love free and I love books and I love God and anyway I can learn more about HIM.  Anything I can do to read ENCOURAGING items.  Not trash or things to add filth or immoral thoughts or images to my head.  TV and magazines at check out stands do that enough.  And yes, I do watch TV. I'm not one of those OMG don't watch the news (although I mostly read about it on my phone rather than watch it anyway) or live in a box type person.  Although, I do censor what I watch and what my child watches.  We have to. It is better to have a GODLY song on my heart than a nasty word that would hurt someone or a bad thought or word to cause damage to someone else's character.  The tongue kills and we must be earnest to tame our tongue and actions.
WHEW!!! All that to tell about getting books for free! I love it!

Talk to you later-AJ-